Monday, February 22, 2010

The Price of Exploiting

This just came across the wire from Greyrose



Recently players found an exploit that allowed them to unfairly obtain the new winged mounts.


Players who participated in this exploit will have the items removed from their accounts. We will be recovering the item(s) and issuing a credit to the account equal to the gold amount paid. Players may experience disconnects while this inventory recall takes place. Players are welcome to re-purchase the item(s) according to the posted Crown pricing.


If you participated in this exploit, know that we will not tolerate abuse of the systems in place. Using exploits in game is a violation of the Terms of Use and continued exploitation may result in permanent account bans.



Oooo . . . exploiters, you’re lucky they didn’t keep your gold too.


There really is a difference between playing around with a glitch like floating furniture items and then getting some kind of actual advantage in game through a bug AKA Exploiting.  You don’t want me to bring out the exploit dog . . . the glitch dog was just ugly, the exploit dog is scary and mean . . . like an orthrus.


Jus’ Sayin’


Happy Dueling!


  1. Anonymous22/2/10 12:59

    Hmmm, this "disaster" should have a name, how about "The massive Wizard101 recall of 2010" or "The Crown Item recall." I would say this is one of the first, and I think I will see a difference in how many people have wings, a LARGE difference. Also, IS THIS the first recall? Also, KINGSISLE, PEOPLE DID THIS BECAUSE THEY NOT AVAILABLE FOR GOLD! and i'm sure whoever found this had no harm intended, probably just stumbled upon it. AND WHY NOT FIX A DIFFERENT GLITCH? YOU'VE KNOWN OF THE RUGS GLITCH AND OTHERS BUT DO THE GET FIXED? NO, OF COURSE NOT.

  2. U never really said what the glitch was? what does it do. make u do more damage, or make your guy just plain silly lokking? :)

  3. also if your wondering friendly, i am the same mike that sent those questions. and one i just sent, hope u got it :)

  4. Anonymous22/2/10 14:21

    Ok Mike, this glitch allows you to obtain both sets of wings, the new "hammer", sword, and staff for gold. The price for a set of wings was G2,000, the staff was G5,000, the "hammer" G8,000, and the sword for G10,000. Now thinking of it, WOULDN'T KI HAVE TO PUT THOSE PRICES THERE? I mean really, hoe else would they be there. Also this glitch was obtained by doing the following, going to the crown shop and clicking on ANY item available for crowns AND gold, next they clicked on the GOLD tab, next they clicked and HELD DOWN the crown tab, now the the items were listed for the price above. Truly, this probably was discovered on accident.

  5. Keep in mind, now if you try this it changes the prices to G-1, and when trying to purchase it says price lock not available or something

  6. Well, that's kinda... bad. I mean,people shouldn't cheat the system (like all those spammers begging for free stuff,) but at the same time KI should fix the glitch before they released it, because if you could get this stuff for a lot less, wouldn't you?

  7. I knew something like this would happen so my advice to people reading this: If a glitch like this happens again, don't try it out, you could possibly get a ban.

  8. Anonymous22/2/10 15:10

    Well, those prices had to come from SOMEWHERE. So, I'm going to guess that the prices popped up from other items and was a malfunction in the programing. However, I do not know what it is. Either that or those prices were put there on purpose, possibly for there release as gold (?). And to natalie, yes you could get banned, but it is unlikely for just one offense.

  9. Also, I think it is hilarious that KI fixed this right away, but they can't fix the krok house even after months? Yea, they were losing money thats why. but still, they should fix some old bugs. However, I am disappointed about the recall, I LIKED MY NEW STUFF! but i am happy i get gold back, i mean, idk where i came up with 12000 gold, so i guess it motivated me. LOL.

  10. Destiny StormStone22/2/10 15:52

    I went on after reading this, and WOW what a difference!! There are fewer wings,and I am not seeing as many spammers saying "RARE CARDS FOR WINGS!"

  11. Jessica and my friend Blaze are in trouble! O:

  12. Anonymous22/2/10 16:21

    I'm an exploiter D: I'm sorry KI I thought it was programmed in... It'll never happen again! HONEST! I really hope I don't get banned for this. BTW
    Capcha- Whing

  13. I wish i had mor crows and guess what: i lost my subscipion

  14. Anonymous22/2/10 17:32

    lol, these glitch's came from somewhere... KINGSISLE, YOU HAVE A RAT!

  15. Man, I loved the days back in '08 when there wasn't any exploiters.. Is there anyone here who was here around the time I was? (Besides Friendly) There was NO bugs, now there is tons.. But I am glad they kept those house glitching bugs, man, those things made me famous.. Good times, good times. Back when the old arena was there, no "arena dudes" and no barricades, and no waiting for a challenge, and FUN! I gave up my membership because of that, because the old arena was the only thing I used to do, and now that it isn't there, I just gave up.. Sorry for the long post, I just like to express my feelings =)

  16. I gotta say, I think it wasn't that bad that these people found the glitch/exploit and used it. I mean, there are these fabulous new items that EVERYONE wants, and you can get them pretty cheap for gold through a glitch! I mean, it's just a click away! I probably would have done it if I had known... I don't think they should be so sharply reprimanded, I mean, all they did was use a little glitch to get an awesome item, and so many other people were doing it too. Kingsisle is just mad because they want people to buy a ton of crowns. Duh, the CROWNS shop? Why else would they have even released this update?

  17. Destiny StormStone22/2/10 18:26

    hey Outstanding Allen I was there in the good old days:P I agree, there weren't as many bugs and exploiters. I also think that they should have the old arena back as well as the new pvp.


  19. Anonymous23/2/10 00:10

    As someone who actually did pay real money/crowns for the wings, I am glad they did something about this. I mean how is it fair for me and anyone else who actually paid for this the "legal" way when there are people who went and got theirs for nothing and in multiples too?
    On the other hand I have friends that did this so I am glad they didn't get banned and it's really just a slap on the wrist in the gaming world.KI could have been much more harsh, so I think people need to think of that.
    Obviously if they were going to sell these wings and other items for gold it would be for A LOT more gold than what people tried to buy them for...I mean look at the gold prices on the other mounts, they are WAY more. I knew this was all very fishy when I heard about people doing this.
    And for those that want to complain about the other glitches; yes there are a lot and I hate them too, but they aren't really hurting or discriminating against anyone at the moment.With people getting the new items at cheap prices/for free it is hurting those who did it the RIGHT WAY.

  20. You guys are in trouble (lol) hope you guys don't get banned from this...

  21. Anonymous23/2/10 07:57

    i am sure this was the first but sadly probably will not be the last. scammers are also a big fat problem. i lost two good helephant treasure cards over some guy who said he would gift me a tiger.

    there are also bugs that just make it LOOK like you are walking off the side of the world but it is harmless because when you stop you go right back t the place you started, same with floating.

    i am guessing that those prices were KINGSILE'S! i bet they made those prices before deciding that those items should be crowns only.

  22. once upon a time there were no scammers and the shopping district was a very honest place with only a few people running to the shops or just chatting. NOW! HERE IS THE RUDE WAKE UP CALL WHEN THE SCAMMERS ARE SHOUTING "ILL GIVE CARDS FOR A MOUNT"
    and "GIVE ME CARDS FOR CODES(that dont work by the way)"

    i loved it when i discovered how to trade because my friend had a card i wanted and vise versa

  23. @Destiny I just made a post about the old arena, and my beliefs, =)

  24. Anonymous24/2/10 08:23

    ok thats it, if another scammer comes to me and asks if i want wings with a cheat for FREE then i will report them!

  25. Anonymous24/2/10 10:01

    I have a friend who uses cheat engin can he realy get ban for it?

  26. Kenneth Jadehaven30/9/11 15:51

    You dare t o suggest that KI fix the rug glitch if you said that in game we would behead you then ban you! The rug glitch is well loved by everyone and the reason why KI doesn't fix it is because they love to see what creative things we do with the glitch they actually like to see what we do I know people who do amazing things with the glitch on Wizard Weekly you saw someone use it to make floating candles you can do anything with it I personally use it to wrap around my house to give people who come a lovely view and with the teloporters I might just pick up every thing and have them teleport high above my castle. So you see some glitches are good and cool others are bad like this one.

    Kenneth Jadehaven
    Level 58 Pyromancer

  27. @Kenneth: I probably shouldn't have allowed your comment, but I did anyway. 1) This post is extremely old. 2) I read through my post and all the replies, and I don't think anyone suggested that the floating furniture glitch be removed. In fact I made the point of saying that we LIKE floating furniture.

    This post was about a glitch that involved people getting crown gear for free. That's why it was an exploit vs. just a regular glitch.

    In fact, I've written about how to do the housing glitch in Fun Online Games magazine with Kingsisle's blessing. I highly doubt they will remove the rug glitch. If they do anything, they'd probably improve on it somehow.


