Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Giant Cats attack!

There is a rumor that if you unlock both the Cat Herder and Blood of the Giants badges that you will open a doorway in Marleybone's Reagent Square where you are attacked by a giant kitten boss.

So I decided this morning to unlock this mystery.

I found the best spot for farming giants was right here:

This spot is great. With the Thomas and Kyle combo, I can line 'em up and knock 'em down in one or two rounds, three at a time.

My blood of the giants badge was earned EASILY this morning.

They just made me hungry for more.

Cats were next:

Knight's court near the entrance was perfect for farming these guys, and yes . . . once again, they fell before the mighty thomas and kyle combo:

Badge earned!

All that was left was to go herd up this Blood of the Giants Cat . . . /gulp

And I was never heard of ever again . . .

The end.


  1. never trust anyone is a rule to live by so if they dont have any evidence they are not telling about something real.

  2. Really man? i bet that is just you'r poor little kitten (sad music for kitten) AND BTW WHY THE HECK WOULD THEY AT KINGSILE MAKE A STUPID GIANT KITTEN BOSS

  3. My friends made up some kind of boss thing too, "If you have imp fizzle 3 times, go to.... and you'll ...." Yeah, had imp fizzle 70 times, and still didn't work.

    Love the giant kitty picture!

  4. I just wanted to comment here while I still remember. Hilarious post, btw! :D I'm a new fan and just recently started reading your blog.

    So, I thought I saw your wife on the test realm last night. I was all, omg! That's the wife of this blogger I've been reading! How cool is that?! It's like meeting a celebrity or something. Then I realized the name was Bailey ___storm or something, and I looked back on here. Alas, it is not teh Bailey wife as the last name is Skystaff. Oh well, I had fun looking at the new housies!

  5. i need the final cat badge too!

  6. Wow! Hey everyone! I have to say I am terribly sorry for the long break, but I am up and running and ready to change the world of Wizard 101 once more! But the problem is, I think I might change my blog.... but to what? I need your guys' feedback! Until next time! Hey Friendly!

    ~Isaiah Spelldust

  7. is the giant cat boss rumor true?

  8. Anonymous9/12/09 16:16

    This rumor is not real.... you just make it up for this post. good one friendly ^.^

  9. Chrales Raven9/12/09 16:57

    I'll test it though to see if it really exists.

  10. XD nice job friendly, when i first read it " hmm strange secret new boss" then i found out it was your cat....its your cat right?

  11. Funny lol. Espically the cat swallowing you up no wiz is a match for that.


  12. Maybe if you get the Meow Master badge... JK just kidding

  13. Woah huge cat. Hmm must be a large liter box.

    Hey everyone type in the search box journeyofawizard (don't hit the spce bar between those words).

  14. Never heard of again? I do NOT like the sound of that!! Hey Kyle, go save your dad from the Giant kitty boss!!! Storm Rules!!!

  15. Those who understood I was just making a joke while telling you I earned a couple badges . . . congrats on getting the joke!

    No, there is no giant kitty boss . . . no it's not my kitten . . . although if it was my kitten I would name him "fizzles," and hug and love him forever until my eyes swoll shut. (since I'm allergic to cats and all)

  16. lol this post awesome it hallarius
    [ sry if i didnt spell it right lol]

    I am cody skyrider duncan starthief or cody shadow staff check out my blogs!

    cody skyriders wizard101 secrets

  17. btw we should meet up i play in banshee realm

    my guys names are

    Cody skyrider
    Cody shadowstaff
    Duncan starthief

  18. Hey Cody! Remember me? I am blogging again finally! LOL, stop by sometime!

  19. I actually tried this. D:

    [Yup, I'm stalking your photos from 2, 3 years back. ]
