Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Wizard101!

Yes yes, I know that the *actual* birthday of the release of Wizard101 is tomorrow. (I've read the press release!) But, that's the job of my blog, right? I just want to give you a heads up and all that so you can celebrate properly tomorrow!

So, Dear Wizard101, Ace of Cakes I am not, but I did try my hand at a Wizard101 logo cake last night and the family and I wished you a happy birthday.

If you click on that to make it huge, you could probably make that a screensaver or something if you really wanted. ;-)

I just wanted to say thank you to KingsIsle for making a great game. You've brought some fun into my life this year, and it's been a real joy keeping this site. I didn't start blogging on day 1 . . . I didn't start playing until a couple weeks after the launch of the game, and I didn't even start posting on this site until the 20th of September. A little known fact, I actually wrote the first four posts of this blog as e-mails and messages to friends trying to explain to them how much I was loving this game. They didn't bite much at what I was telling them. haha. So on my first day of keeping this blog, I copied and pasted all four messages to my blog on the same day.

Since then, Wizard101 has been the main topic on my lips. It's actually quite amazing to look back and see all that I have learned and all that I have thought about this game over the past year. To think about how it swept up my family and captured pretty much every morning of every day this year for me: you know that's saying something about a game.

So, thank you Wizard101! It's been a lot of fun, and I hope your 1-year-old birthday is as monumental and magical as you'd like it to be. Keep at it!

(Oh yeah, and this is a perfect time to plug the Wizard101 Birthday Party Planning site.)

Cheers and happy dueling from The Friendly Necromancer and the readers of this blog!


  1. WOOHOO! Happy Birthday Wizard101! I'm in agreement with almost all Friendly has said. It has been a great source of entertainment for me, solving that "I'M SO DANG BORED" problem that I seem to get often :P. Well anyway, Happy Birthday Wizard101!

  2. I wonder if they are gonna do something speshal. I hope they do!

  3. happy b day! I hope they do to PARTY ON!

  4. Blast, I wish I'd known sooner, I'd have done something artsy. maybe I can carve out some time tonight...

  5. Happy Birthday W101 and grats to you too Necro. I miss being in love with an MMO. I hope you have an equally exciting 2010!
