Thursday, July 30, 2009

New High Hit Record--50836680

I don't know if you've been following the history of big hits in this game or not, but it's been kind of a side match involving a few of Wizard101's greatest players, names like Alex Jaderider, Ronan Wildgem, Donna Pixiesong, Super Death Wizard, Outrageous Autumn, Biggabe, etc. All the big players over at Central. The latest string of these big hits comes from Ironhawk. The same Ironhawk who makes all the cool guides at central. Up until this time people have been using the Wild Bolt spell when they made a big hit. This time a full 14-pip tempest spell was used and put out an amazing hit of over 50 million damage.

The thread is found on central here. He states in his words,
"just made more than 50 million damage using tempest treasure card with full 14 pips to kraysys. Thanks to my son for lending me his storm wizard also thanks to alex jaderider for telling the traps/blades he used to make a big hit in a thread somewhere in this forum i forgot where but i wrote them down and add several more traps. I put more than 20 different traps plus storm prism plus 7 different blades plus booster darkwind and also have 35pct damage bonus from gear. I forgot one trap so one of you can still beat this record later. Picture below was taken from the screen of my adept balance wizard who help putting blades/traps."

I first reported about the original big hit back in February. Since that time Alex kept raising the ante anytime someone would even get remotely close to his record until Donna Pixiesong's team beat that record with a 22 million hit in May. Then Angel Dragongem upped it to 29.5 million. This new 50 million hit will be broken at some point as Ironhawk hints to . . . he forgot one trap.

So . . . . what's the highest hit you've ever achieved? I've never really tried to go sky high like this . . . I think somewhere in the 12,000-13,000 range is the most I've ever done.

It's too bad they didn't keep the 100,000 hitpoint Malistaire in the game, or we all would have had to attempt those high hits. ;-) pffft, 100,000 on that Malistaire (who had a 200% damage boost when using life damage) would have only needed, oh half those traps, right? :-) I digress.

Gratz Ironhawk!!!

Happy Dueling!


  1. the bigest hit I got was 1,000 with a storm shark on a troll.

  2. More famous than Colonel Sanders and his chicken!

  3. Wow. I'm posting to Elijah and two more posts happen! Nice hit Ironhawk!

  4. Yup, Ironhawk owned Kraysys :P.

    Well, one time I did this.

    Without balanceblades, and not going against a storm enemy,

    I hit 53,000 damage with wild bolt on the jade oni.

    Note: No balanceblades and not against a storm enemy.

  5. Wow. Nice work. Ironhawk is a community member you should do an interview with, methinks.

  6. Hey Friendly, can you try to make a map of the ironworks in Marleybone so I can find the Ironworks Stray Cat. Just The Ironworks map. I need nothing else. That is all.
    -Luke Emeraldrider

  7. Ah, but can Life generate that sort of base damage output with 14 pips, even with the 200% "elemental weakness" boost?

    Still, wow. That had to be fun to set up. Thanks for pointing it out!

  8. WOW, Ironhawk.
    That is bigger than that wildbolt hit 13,million.

  9. Hi Friendly! Um, Can you make a site for me? I really need one, so please get me one lolz. See ya!

  10. Luke, the Ironworks stray cat is behind Pops O'Leary, there's a doorway behind him, go down the ramp, and there's a bridge like thing that the cat is on.

  11. Elijah Stormheart30/7/09 13:43

    I am? :D

    Also, I'm having a party with Mitchell nightheart tonight. Can you post the thing on your blog?

  12. One more reason to tip our magical caps to Ironhawk.

  13. Witchy Myth30/7/09 15:39

    Wow! This is amazing! Highest I've ever done was about 3,489 on a Lost Soul in Unicorn Way with a Humungofrog (spelling?).

  14. Wow my record is only 3,100 or so although it was made with a lvl 35 (me) and a lvl 32 (Colin from the Wikia) with no treasures whatsoever.

  15. Anonymous30/7/09 18:15

    Thanks Cheese and Crackers!!!!
    (2 blueoysters down, 8 to go!) (Well actually i do know where another oyster is so I guess 3 oysters down, 7 to go!)
    -Luke Emeraldrider

  16. First of all, congratulations to Ironhawk!

    Actually, Angel DragonGem/1SonicBoom made the 29 million record. Alex eventually quit doing records after the 21 million record since people wouldn't stop taking advantage of the charms and wards he used and kept making bigger ones :P!

    The highest hit I ever made was shown in this* thread, at 3 million. I know 2 cards I could of used that could of made the record higher, and plan to do another record sometime soon on test when the "Uber-Malistaire" comes back in an optional battle.


  17. Thanks SDW: updated post to make it say Angel instead of Alex.
