Saturday, June 6, 2009

What if the language filter isn't enough?

Hello friends! I have another "Ask Friendly a Question" posts:
Love the site and the game. Outside of reporting players is there any way to filter bad language? I have found this isn't as kid friendly a sight as this parent would hope for. Does the site remove players chat rights if they can't control their language? I hate to punish mine by taking away their chat abilities, but I also don't want them exposed to some of the negative commentary that I've seen. Appreciate any help you can provide. Thanks, Destiny Dreamcrafter, mother of Lail Deathspear

This is a good question, and Destiny has a really good point. How many times have you seen someone circumvent (or try to circumvent) the chat filter in some inventive way? Honestly? Although for me it's only been a handful of times, I've still seen people curse and just say downright mean and disgusting things in game. Unfortunately, some people will find a way to circumvent even the best of intentioned chat filters. And, if you are one of the players who do this, I hope you find a way to stop. It's not funny. It's not cool. It's not expressing your anger well at all. Take a deep breath and take your hands off the keyboard. Do you really want to say that and have my eight year old accidentally stumble into that language? It's incredibly disrespectful of innocence, which is possibly the most pure form of magic in the Wizard101 community. Don't do it.

Now, from what I understand is that when someone is reported, the chat logs are investigated and if there is a problem, the person's account is suspended for a period of time. And also from what I understand, when a report is made, that same word combination from the chat logs is entered into the database of unallowable word combinations. So it seems our best course of action as players is to report it when we see it, so that it gets logged and it stops it from happening again.

I have a question out to Professor Greyrose about the above paragraph, and I'll get back to you if I get an official stance. (It's the weekend and she's probably sleeping).

In addition, I really support the idea of parents being given some kind of text box where we can add unacceptable word combinations to our own personal chat filter. Empower us. I do believe that in the economy we are currently in, it is highly possible that Kingsisle is under-staffed . . . especially since I haven't seen a job availability posted on the website in over six months. Empower us. That would be amazing. Heck, I'd love to see that entry I make on my end also go into some master database that KI would review in their own time. I'm sure we have plenty of adults willing to assist with populating a database with word combinations we don't like.

So, yeah, KI if you're listening . . . please request it on our behalf that parents be given more power with the chat filter.

I don't like the idea of this great game losing players over a few bad mouthed and disrespectful players. If anything is worthy of a report or a ban in my opinion, it's bad language.

To those that do keep their chat clean, you've automatically earned my respect without ever having to do anything more in the game than that. That is more valuable to me than any grandmaster achievement or pvp ranking ever. May good come your way because of it.

Happy Dueling!


  1. Yeah, I'm someone who doesn't swear. The only times I mess with the chat filter is when there is a word that it won't let you say, but is a normal word, I find a way to say it. Or if I'm just typing something like this: I'm not going to blame her, but, etc. It won't let you say the two words "her" and "but" together, even separated by a comma. Then I'll find a way. But I never swear in game. I just say, dang, or dangit. That's it.

  2. Anonymous7/6/09 00:46

    I swear a little, as you know quite well friendly. But I try to know my audience. If I am hanging out with a bunch of teenagers who I know irl, it's fine with me. But if it is someone completely new I try to keep it clean. Anyway, I'm almost to where amber is so maybe we can quest together. I am just about to get the skull from beating sylvia. Come on any time and I'll be ready. It's like permenant weekend. I babbeling. Bye.
    -Sean Emeraldweaver (level 42 myth magician)

  3. @C&C: awesome.

    @Sean: honestly, I can't recall when you've done that, but if we're playing together, I'd appreciate if you didn't. /shrug

  4. When I mess with the chat filter is if I am only saying things like, "stat you", for statue. Just things like that. I dont like people you curse. It's also a growing problem in my neighborhood,
    I'll hear even little kids say bad language. But as I said. I dont curse. Not nice. If someone is annoying you, just port to your house, and say "goose fraba!" three times, and take a deep breath. You'll be all better!

  5. Isaiah, I'm going to take your advice into consideration...

  6. Wow I have been dealing with this issue for the past to days in particular! I've had to report a player more than once for terrible language, and it frustrates me that there is not more that can be done when they continue to do the same things over and over again with no consequence. Although I think the language filter goes a bit too far, I do agree that swearing has no place in the game. I'm not one to use language as such in the game or in reality, so while i give latitude to others to make their own choices, there comes a point when its just plain wrong and offensive. The language filter does force one to be creative and it does promote correct spelling to a degree (ha ha) but swearing? Come on guys - it doesn't do anything for anyone.

  7. Yeah I agree with the box for suggestions. One mistake I feel kingsisle made was when eggbert came, the text wouldn't let you say eggbert! It got really frustrating when I was trying to tell people about the summer dragon. I had to refer to him as the egg dude. Nobody took me serious, but who would take someone saying, "Go to the egg dude in the shopping district for a free summer dragon". Like most players I agree that people do manage to find away around language filters and I hope that KI enables players to tell them what they want to say and what they don't want to hear.

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  10. Anonymous13/6/09 09:01

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  11. I think I may have to delete these comments. I realized that when I posted this that it was a volatile subject. No need to run to my defense against this dude.

    KI is instituting unfiltered chat for 18+ individuals (minus profanity). I think that's a good indication of where they'd like to head as a company. And what they'd prefer their players to do: not swear.

    Of course, this says nothing about how you should conduct yourself. As this guy shows us, you can say extremely mean and untrue things without swearing.

  12. Anonymous13/6/09 15:46

    I don't swear at all. But I do wish for people to stop cussing...

    ~Elijah Stormheart
