Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Player Trading Card of the Day--Elijah Stormheart

Here he is!

Elijah has been bugging me to feature him on my blog from day 1 or 2. MR. CORNDOG IN THE EAR HIMSELF! (Those are definitely his words not mine.)

Enjoy that limelight, buddy. :-)

Elijah asked me to make a card for his balance wizard too, but I just ran out of time . . . maybe later today if I can.

Happy Dueling!


  1. p.s. Thank you for being such a faithful reader, Elijah. I really appreciate all the support. :-) Keep being awesome.

  2. Elijah Stormheart24/6/09 07:43

    Oooh, looks awesome! I made the phrase up myself. XD

    And thank you! Okay, I will keep being awesome, and sorry I've been buggin' ya. :P

  3. nice card again friendly haha that was funny on the quote that elijah had keep up the good work friendly.

  4. Very nice background, good work.

  5. Anonymous24/6/09 16:31

    Can you put me on a card sometime?

    P.S. I have some card advice. I think every so often you should change each card. The characters will have leveled up and may have new favorite spells.

  6. Anonymous24/6/09 16:33

    Sorry, I forgot to sign my name. I'm Luke Emeraldrider. I'm the one one who wrote the last comment.

  7. Anonymous25/6/09 06:32

    This is soooo awsome I'm a storm wizard too I love the lightning!!!
    alyssa Silverheart level 11 diviner(of course)

  8. I got you on the list, Luke. What's a good way to contact you?

  9. What did he say about the corn dog?!? Okay scared.
    By the way I am Alyssa Silverheart level 11 bla bla bla yeah that person

  10. Michael Firecatcher29/6/09 20:48

    i want a card so bad >.<
    btw i dont have membership so idk what to do...
    how about
    Michael FireCatcher
    favorite saying: O.o
    favorite spell: storm lord

  11. Friendly, can i please have a trading card? Sure i'm only level 13 but who cares? I can give you all the information if you want in this post

    Brian TitanSword

    Wizard School: Death
    Level: 13
    Favorite Spell: Banshee
    Favorite Saying: and...... boom goes the dynamite
    Goal: Level up for the Castles
    "When life gives you lemons, make rootbeer"

    please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,pleaseplease,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please make one for me. IF you say yes please notify me by posting on my blog


    Your Biggest Fan Ever

    The Overachieving Necromancer!

    P.s. i have read all of your posts! You are a pretty awesome blogger
