Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Housing Item of the Day--Telescope

Hello duelers,

Today's housing item comes from our dear friend, Sestiva Hex! This particular item really caught my eye as I was rummaging through all her belongings like a soccer mom at an upscale garage sale. Sestiva saw me looking longingly at her items and said, look no further and instead look farther--cast your corneas into this telescope and envision a closer definition of extended sight, all right? (she's just poetic like that.)

From what I'm reading over at the central, this telescope comes from the Bad News quest in Marleybone.

Honestly a really cool piece. It makes me excited to play Isaiah and the evil twin again so I can snag this.

Happy dueling!


  1. Anonymous10/6/09 12:35

    Hey, uh, please go. :)

    ~Elijah Stormheart

  2. Anonymous10/6/09 12:36

    To Central.

  3. Later tonight. Apparently my iPhone hates central.

  4. Alex SandStone10/6/09 14:51

    Wow, that is a sweet housing item. To bad I am working on the Crubicle in DragonSpyre.

    -Alex SandStone

  5. Hey been reading your blog for a while. Inspired me to write my own. My character got that too, right after he finished Marleybone, Merle gave to him. Love it. Well cheers mate.

  6. Cool. Adding you to the blog roll, Sorion!

  7. Hey friendly two off topic questions for you - first, the name of my blog has changed slightly hehe so i don't know if that means you have to re add me or not? You'll be interested in that little change :) And second, just out of curiosity, has anyone ever interviewed you? You have all of these lovely interviews posted but has anyone ever done one on you? Might be nice to know more about the man behind the necromancer and the creator of this fantastic site lol! Hmm...

  8. Well, it seems to be picking up the new name of your blog, but thanks for letting me know!

    No one has interviewed me. It would be too scary of a tell all confessional.
