Thursday, March 12, 2009

Beckett MMO Gamer Magazine Article on W101

I'm sorry to do this to you all, but I was just beaming here today to see my avatar in full color in Beckett's Massive Online Gamer Magazine. So, here's my real ugly mug pointing at my fake ugly mug.

Oh I bet you wish I'd flip that page over and photograph my redeem code, don't ya? Don't ya?! ;-)

It feels like it's been at least a month and a half since Tara from West Karana and I did this interview with Stephanie Morrow aka Stargrace. She's ultra-cool.

So, within the magazine, if you pick one up (and you really should pick one up--go check a local comic book/game shop or get a subscription), there is a redeem code for a super dooper cool looking staff. I noticed I've been getting a lot of hits on the term "redeem code," so here's your answer: It's inside the mag. Surf here to redeem it.

Once you're in game, you'll get a nifty button that looks like this:

I made sure that I had room in my backpack, and then I clicked the magical gift button. Bing bang boom. There it was! A swirling staff of awesomeness known as the "Amaranthine Staff." YES! Add that to my wand collection! WOOT!

So I decided to wander over to the storm school (it is a storm staff after all) and showcase it while assuming my smarmy look and brandishing Ben, my lightning hound.


The article itself is a good intro to the game. Tara and I (that's Mr. Thomas Lionblood, sir, to you) get quoted a couple times.

Seriously though, it was AMAZING to see my avatar modeling a few digs. I'm going to have to take this to work and show it off to the noobs who play World of Warcraft now . . . and I promise you there will be smarmy looks involved.

Thanks Beckett for a great article and involving me!

and as always . . .



  1. Anonymous13/3/09 02:22

    haha, nice your in the Magazine. Who's that next to you, do you know?
    Nice staff btw :P

  2. Stephanie's website is at and it's fantastic!!! way better than mine :)

  3. @Cheyenne why that's . . . me again! She had me try on a number of outfits for her. I'm on the opposite page as well.

    @brenda Thanks, Tara! I'm going to update the article now.

  4. Ooo! Shiny! I wonder if B&N has that magazine...

  5. Teehee, so glad that you got a shiny staff! Though they WERE going to go with a pet.... Still very awesome! The interview was loads of fun and I had a blast writing it.

  6. I want a smarmy staff!!! Now to find back issues of Beckett! Hrm.... Off to the comic book store!

  7. Anonymous13/3/09 15:06

    Haha. Well I guess they like you to have so many pictures of you :P

  8. @ L.R. hmmm, probably! Their magazine rack is a good size. I'll be looking at your blog to see if and when you pick one up.

    @ Stargrace STARGRACE!

    @ Matt The staff actually has a +2 smarminess buff on it. make it so! (p.s. thanks for posting!)

    @ Cheyenne you should have seen me modeling the 10 different outfits I had in my bags for the interview. LOL. <--attention hound

  9. Anonymous17/3/09 17:35

    Lol, watching you try on outfits. That could of been really funny lol

  10. Anonymous20/5/09 21:50

    yo, im the same but y is that you cant tell the code i mean you can at leas tell a strom student. come on i tried to look every were for it but i cant find it so behaff of every one that wants it cant you be a nice death student. if you ever see this e Mail me its

  11. Anonymous22/5/09 17:46

    the code is 52975-57123-37817-56438 but it always says its claimed

  12. Anonymous22/5/09 17:48

    the code is 52975-57123-37817-56438 but it always says it claimed

  13. what is the code of your w101 mine is ZL305

  14. What is the for fog staff
