Monday, August 24, 2009

Evil Twin Chat -- Episode 23

Here's a new look and a new comic for ETC!

(Click to make larger)

OH, and btw . . . be sure to check out Cassandra's new Diapermancer comic! Diapermancer learns his first word!

Happy Dueling!


Xinaed said...

Lol, wow. I can't help but wonder if you know the actual definition of twink. Either way, very funny.

Stingite said...

In Everquest It used to mean buying a low level character the best items available to them so that they were over powered for their level.

Is the definition different now?

Xinaed said...

Lol, I guess in gaming terms, it might mean something way different. Just google the word. :)

Stingite said...

Oh my!!!! LOL ... Uh ...

Xinaed said...

Haha. :P It's all good.

Elijah Stormheart said...

Hehehe. X3

Myth Maser X said...

O: :) I googled it, and i was like, Awkward ..... I not postint what it says here, friendly, you should edit to make him say i feel likee i have been `twinked' not i feellk a twink, the other way is .... Awkward!

Stingite said...

Modified the comic a bit there . . . hope that clears up the confusion. LOL.

. . . Man, learn something new every day.

potroast42 said...

lol love the caption on the bottom of the second frame

Anonymous said...

uhh Thomas you mader a minor typo on the caption of the second frame XD It's their not thier. LOL.

Cheats and Crackers said...

Nice comic :p. But huh? When I go to check Autumn's blog it says that the blog does not exist, but that I could register the name Autumnaldusk?? Did she quit or something? O:

Iridian said...

WHAT?!? Autumn quit for good? T^T Autumn, if you're reading this, BRING BACK YOUR BLOG PLZ!